
Take Classes for your Minor!

UC Davis offers a Technology Management Minor for students during the Summer Sessions.  The minor from our Graduate School of Management is highlighted below.  A full list of all minors is available here and all classes can be viewed on the Class Search Tool. Schedules are subject to change.

Technology Management Minor - Graduate School of Management


Course Title


MGT 011AElementary AccountingSession 1
MGT 150Technology Management (recommended to take this class first)Session 1
MGT 151Management of Innovation and EntrepreneurshipSession 1
MGT 180Supply Chain Planning and ManagementSession 1
MGT 011BElementary AccountingSession 2
MGT 120Managing and Using Information TechnologySession 2
MGT 140Marketing for the Technology-based EnterpriseSession 2

It is recommended that you only take two courses per session in pursuit of this minor.
*Denotes prerequisite requirements. Please see https://gsm.ucdavis.edu/tech-minor for details.