What's on your Summer Wish List?
Whether students plan to take a UC Davis Summer Sessions course to focus on a rigorous topic or they plan to take advantage of the UC Davis’ so-called fourth quarter to get ahead on their coursework, the Summer Sessions team is asking students to list the courses they hope to see offered.
According to Omega Lee, Summer Sessions executive director, student input is needed to ensure Summer Sessions offers a range of academic courses to all students across disciplines and colleges.
“By completing the Summer Wish List, you can request the courses you want and need,” Lee said. “We’ll compile the wish list responses and provide them to academic departments to consider.”
With over 700 courses provided over two, six-week sessions and one Special Session, Lee said Summer Sessions are designed to support current students by decreasing time to degree and increasing both retention and graduation rates.
“We offer this number of courses, along with guaranteed general education courses and even 1-3 credit courses to give UC Davis students the options and flexibility they need to graduate on time or even graduate early,” Lee said.
It’s also for these reasons, she added, that the Summer Wish List was developed.
“Because Summer Sessions is here for students catching up as well as those who are trying to get ahead, we need to be sure the courses we offer are what you, the students, need,” she said.
The 2019 UC Undergraduate Experience Survey found that the No. 1 reason 56% of students didn’t take Summer Sessions was because they didn’t feel it was necessary. However, those students who do complete summer sessions typically complete their degree programs faster.
The Summer Wish List takes only three minutes to complete and closes May 10.
In addition to completing the Summer Wish list, Lee recommends preparing for registration now by meeting with advisors and checking out the Summer Sessions A-Z courses to begin planning.
Registration for Summer Sessions begins April 29 for continuing students. Students must use Schedule Builder or SISWeb to register. Students should refer to their Pass Time appointment to register between April 29 and May 3. Beginning May 4, Open Registration is available daily.
Learn more at the Summer Sessions website.